Last updated on 24 October, 2023 by Andy Rowe
1. a) All club members must be affiliated to Badminton England and the Devon County Badminton Association. If a member belongs to two or more clubs each club must determine which of them is paying that member’s BE and DCBA fees. The other club(s) must include that member on their club’s list but register them as someone who pays elsewhere/already paid at another club.
b) All club members who wish to play in League matches must be registered with the appropriate League Match Secretary for each section.
2. A club having more than one team in a section must list their teams in order of merit. At least six registered players shall be named for each mixed team throughout the season. At least four registered players shall be named for each mens and ladies team in order of strength.
3.Players may play two matches for any higher team without being disqualified fromplaying for their original team. On playing up a third time they may only play for that team for the remainder of the season.
4.Should a club decide a player has been wrongly placed that player may be transferred to the next lowest team (subject to Rule 6) provided that:-
a)The player has not played more than twice.
b)Where fewer than six players are left in a mixed team, or four players in a men’s or ladies team, another player shall be registered in place of the transferred player.
c)Players transferred to a lower team may not play again for any higher team, except as a reserve on one occasion if they have played once, or on two occasions if they have not played at all for a higher team. Otherwise they must stay in a lower team.
d) The appropriate League Match Secretary must be informed in writing (email accepted) of any transfer under this rule before any lower team plays.
5. If Rules 3 or 4b above apply the replacement player is fixed to that team for the remainder of the season except as a reserve on one occasion if they have played once, or on two occasions if they have not played at all for a higher team.
6.Players may not play for a team which is clearly lower than the one where they should rightfully be placed. The Committee reserve the right to award to the opposing team any rubbers won by a player offending under this rule.
7.A player may only represent one team at any one time - players in breach of this rulewill be deemed ineligible for both teams.
8. A player shall only represent one club in any one section of the League except that a player may transfer to another club during the season, but will be required to sign a form, obtainable from the League Match Secretary which states that he/she will from that time be eligible only to play for that club in that section of the League for the remainder of the season. The signed form must be received by the League Match Secretary before the person first plays for the new club. No transfer form shall be accepted after 1st February.
(No form is necessary if the player has not played for the original club and therefore no
deadline applies).